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As a filmmaker, the production process starts the minute you think of an idea and write it down. After holding meetings with your script writers and having the idea written into a story, you will have made a big step into filming. Film production companies in Kenya usually  Make sure that you have printed scripts, the lights, cameras are set, transportation has been checked, security, wardrobe and checking out the availability of your crew and signing of contracts wraps up the pre-production process.

The production process involves the actual shooting. The director calls the shots, he chooses the camera angles to be used on set. It is important for the camera person to shoot cutaways if possible, since they can be used to cover any problems or gaps during editing.

When shooting with a single camera, film the whole scene with the camera on the 1st actor and then move to the other one and start again from top. When shooting like this, production companies in Kenya suggest that filmmakers should remember to follow the rules of continuity so that the shots will work together.

Film production companies in Kenya

Insignia Productions, which is one of the top film production companies in Kenya, advises that the assistant director rehearses with the actors before the next scene is called. This makes the actor perfect their lines and facial expressions since they need to be as natural and authentic as possible. Before the start of any scene, the director makes sure that the scene is slated. Slating of scenes makes it easier for the editors to know the episode and scene numbers when logging.

For each scene, the director decides to have as many takes as possible until s/he is satisfied with the performance. They can also decide to have a scene taken in different angles, allowing for creative choices during editing. It is also important to record at least half a minute of background sound from the location, without dialogues. This is slated as wild track or room tone and is used by editors to remove boom knocks or to fill in a video that is used to create a silent moment.

Philippe Bresson and Grace Kahaki, the directors of Insignia Production, prefer that scenes shot the previous day to be edited by the next day as this allows them to monitor the effectiveness of the lighting, sound quality, camera movements and also to give changes to the first cuts done by the editors. This enables them to avoid making the same mistakes early as the production process continues.

Before wrapping up, always counter check to make sure that you have filmed everything on your shot list.

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